Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – Jill Tokuda, a candidate for Hawaiʻi’s Second Congressional District, issued a statement today in response to a negative attack ad distorting her record and leadership on gun violence prevention.

“Imagine the disappointment to people across Hawaiʻi when they woke up to see mainland, dark money distorting my record at the inferred direction of my opponent.

As a mom with two kids in public schools, I am sickened that there is an ad politicizing tragic school shootings; that’s every parent’s worst nightmare.

It’s a shame my opponent can’t generate enough support here in Hawaiʻi to run an honorable, Hawaiʻi-based campaign and is turning to outside, dark money to compete. I’m proud that 90% of my financial supporters come from Hawaiʻi, and I earned the support and endorsements of Hawaiʻi teachers, moms, and workers across the neighbor islands,” said Jill Tokuda, a former state senator and candidate for the Second Congressional district.

“I cannot speak to the NRA’s rating process and have never supported the NRA. I invite everyone to look at my twelve-year record of voting for some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.

From voting to prevent those guilty of crimes relating to harassment, stalking, and sexual violence from owning and possessing weapons and ammunition to making Hawaiʻi the first state in the country to put firearms applicants and individual owners into the FBI’s “Rap Back” database, I am proud of the work that we’ve done to make our Hawaiʻi an even safer place for our keiki.”

To learn more about Jill’s legislative record on gun reform, visit https://tokudaforhawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/Jills-Legislative-Record-on-Gun-Reform.pdf.


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